With hundreds of teleprompters available out there, there’s no denying that finding a great app for your intended purposes can be pretty challenging. Since you can go ahead and test each app you find on the Play Store or App Store, one reliable way to identify a good product is through recommendations. You can get recommendations from your friends and family, including us.
Left to us, Scriptively is the best free online teleprompter app for public speakers, podcasts, sales & marketing experts, and online content creators.
- Why should you consider using this teleprompter online app?
- What are the most effective ways to get the best out of Scriptively?
As you proceed, you’ll discover the answers to these teleprompter-related questions.
7 key reasons to consider Scriptively today
As earlier mentioned, when it comes to finding a reliable teleprompter app that works for different purposes, Scriptively is one app you certainly want to try out. Below are a few reasons why you’ll never go wrong with this app:
1. Keep eye contact while delivering your message
Keeping eye contact while delivering impromptu messages is one issue that a lot of people encounter today. With Scriptively, you can always eliminate this issue. This free online teleprompter app comes with Speech Recognition Scrolling or SRS. With this feature, you can easily read your script as you deliver your speech. It’s simple; as you speak, Scriptively will automatically scroll your script and allow you to maintain eye contact with your audience.
2. Clarity & Consistency
Today, clarity and consistency are very important if you want your message to get to your audience. With Scriptively, you wouldn’t need to worry in this area. This app will help you display your script in a way that allows you or your team members to read and convey their messages in a way that appeals to the audience.
3. Time management

Impromptu messages are inevitable for most organizations. One issue, however, with unprepared speech is that your presenters may waste time trying to remember their lines. With our free online teleprompter, you and your team members can safely deliver any message even without any preparation. All you need is to prepare a script, which you can even create with Scriptively.
4. More confidence
As a public speaker, you certainly understand the importance of having confidence when delivering your message. Confidence is vital to ensure you speak with authority and more clarity. But happens in a situation where you need to deliver an unprepared message to your audience?
In this case, Scriptively is a 3-in-1 teleprompter app you can rely on to reduce anxiety and nerves when delivering your online presentation. This app will keep your script in front of you and automatically scroll it, as you speak.
How to get the best out of Scriptively?
Now, you understand the benefits associated with choosing Scriptively as your go-to teleprompter app. For you to get the best of this app, however, you also have important roles to play:
- First, you need to study your script as many times as possible to better understand your ideas.
- Apart from studying your script, you also need to use the right language when creating your script with Scriptively. Since you’ll be the one to read the script, you need to take time to translate it into the language and words you’re familiar with.
Clarity of text is important when creating the script. If you’re not the script creator, make sure to check the content repeatedly to correct any incongruencies or unnecessary complications.
- Font size also matters when using Scriptively. Avoid using a font size that’s too large or too small. Instead, you can go for a medium-sized font, as it’ll help you to reach a balance between visual comfort and your speech speed.
- Lastly, practice with our free online teleprompter app and be sure you’re good with it before delivering your presentation.