How Compass Church is Helping the Community of Naperville, IL

compass church naperville

Compass Church is a growing congregation in Naperville, IL that is using its location and resources to help its community. From providing homeless shelters to helping out with rebuilding after natural disasters, Compass Church is always looking for ways to help those in need. In this article, we’ll discuss how Compass Church is helping the community of Naperville and what their plans are for the future.

compass church naperville

What is a Compass Church?


A Compass Church is a church that uses the principles of a ministry called discipleship. It is based on the idea that God always has a plan for us, and that His plan includes us being involved in ministry.


The goal of Compass Church is to help people connect with God and one another and to use this connection to transform their lives. We do this by providing opportunities for discipleship (a term used in ministry referring to our relationship with God), as well as by providing resources and support so that we can be effective witnesses in the community.


Our church currently serves Naperville, IL, and we are passionate about helping others reach their full potential. We offer services every Sunday at 10:00 am, and we would love for you to come to join us!


Why Compass Churches? What is the Purpose of a Compass Church?


A compass church is a Christian denomination that emphasizes the importance of spiritual direction and intimacy with God. They believe that the Bible is the source of all knowledge and that it should be studied and meditated upon daily.


The purpose of a compass church naperville is to help people find their way in life. They believe that by coming together as a community and studying the Bible, people can learn how to live their lives authentically and fully reflect God’s love in the world.


Compass churches are popular among Christians who are looking for a community that shares similar values and interests. They offer programs designed to help members grow in their faith, connect with other Christians outside of the church, and serve others in their community.


How to Start a Compass Church in Your Community and How It Works


A compass church is a new type of church that uses mapping and navigation as its foundation. At a compass church, members use a map to find their way around and follow the directions of the pastor.


The benefits of starting a compass church include:

– More engaged parishioners who are more likely to be positive community members.

– Increased understanding and connection between parishioners and the pastor.

– A sense of unity and belonging that can lead to increased evangelism.

– A stronger sense of purpose that can help parishioners stay motivated throughout their lives.

compass church naperville



As you can see from the blog description above, Compass Church is helping the community of Naperville by providing resources like childcare and job training. Besides that, we also believe in loving people with unconditional love so that they don’t feel judged or judged for their past mistakes. At Compass Church, everyone is accepted based on who they are and not based on previous behaviors.


We invite everyone to come to join us and experience God’s love!